Bear Brook Dental Care en Montvale

Estados UnidosBear Brook Dental Care



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305, West Grand Avenue, 07645, Montvale, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 201-746-9474
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 41.0552075, Longitude: -74.0636725

comentarios 5

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    Very nice dental practice! Dr. Kiwon Lee was very patient and does not recommend expensive dental care products without any need like some dental practices do. He knows his stuff and is attention to detail. The staff is great too. I will totally recommend this dental practice to anyone who is exploring. Worth a try and worth every penny!

  • Alex Shi

    Alex Shi


    I am very glad receiving the invitation from Dr. Lee's office. The office looks modernized. It has high ceilings, comfortable paint color and state of art equipment. The front desk are professional and kind. The teeth cleaning procedure is enjoyable. Thanks to Dr. Lee and his assistant.

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    Jason Rogers


    I was at Bear Brook dental this past weekend and I can't say enough about the fantastic experience my family had. Dr Lee was excellent in every facet with my young Children and the cleanings were extremely thorough. The offices were decorated beautifully with state of the art equipment and were very clean..I would highly recommend his services to anyone who has children or just in need of a great dentist !

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    Teresa Orlando


    My visit to this office was an excellent experience. Dr. K. Lee, took the time to explain everything to me of his findings, then proceeded to give me all the options available to correct my problem.. there was never a feeling of being pressured.. he was thorough & gentle in his exam ...took the time to listen to my concerns.... and was extremely knowledgeable in his approach to treatment!! I could not have had a better experience!! The front desk staff was warm, kind & welcoming!! What a great practice!! I highly recommend Bear Brook Dental for all your dental care!! T. Orlando

  • Nicole Tata

    Nicole Tata


    Had such an amazing experience at Bear Brook Dental. The whole team is absolutely caring, welcoming and sweet. From the moment you walk in you are greeted. I’ve had a hard time finding a good dentist in the past but I can finally say I’ve found one! I’m so glad they opened up right next to my job. Nothing but 5 stars for this office.

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