Richard's International Barber w Джерси-Сити

Stany ZjednoczoneRichard's International Barber



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Джерси-Сити, Нью-Джерси 07307, США
kontakt telefon: +1 201-222-9393
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7457039, Longitude: -74.0487163

komentarze 5

  • Leonel Mendez

    Leonel Mendez


    Excelente lugar

  • Zoheb Khalid

    Zoheb Khalid


    Richard and Joe both the guys are great. Great service and well maintained place. My whole family goes there. Their salon services for Women are pretty good as well. Highly recommended.

  • en

    Mike S


    I genuinely disliked going to barbers before I started coming here. I began loosing my hair and always just felt like a loser whenever I went to get a haircut, as no one was able to do anything to make my hair look remotely decent. I started shaving my head and tried to embrace the suck, but eventually after a year went back to letting my hair do it's thing. The thing that really impressed me was how skilled Richard and his father are, somehow Richard's father was able to actually make me look presentable despite not having the ideal canvas. They obviously have decades of real good experience and have honed their skills and perfected their craft. To me this place is a hidden gem in Jersey City. They're also affordable and extremely generous people, offering free drinks and additional services without expecting too much from you. I'll always tip them as much as I can, this is a business I want to continue to support as much as I can

  • Leandro Ocfemia

    Leandro Ocfemia


    Have been getting haircut from Joe for the past year. Professional and courteous.

  • en

    Edgar Fernandes


    Joe cuts my hair everytime I go; he does an amazing job at it and remembers your style within 2 visits. Friendly staff, very short time to be seated.

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