Mad One Jacks w Hoboken

Stany ZjednoczoneMad One Jacks



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92, Madison Street, 07030, Hoboken, Hudson County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-656-1010
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7388589, Longitude: -74.0395179

komentarze 5

  • en

    Kate Byrnes


    5 stars for Sarah. She's incredible, and does the best color/highlighting ever. If it wasn't for her I'd lower to 3 stars because their payment policy is horrible. They charge an extra 5% for using a credit card, which is RIDICULOUS considering their prices. But the stylists are so good I keep going back.

  • en

    Marlo Benevento


    Bad customer experience before you even get in the door

  • jennayy83



    Since my review magically disappeared, please read pics underneath to see my HORRIBLE EXPERIENCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also, how my hair should have looked, looked before they touched it ....and how I walked out of there crying. Walked in with platinum blonde hair (pic below) wanted to add lowlights for a chunky look instead of a one color look and ended up with black witch hair!!!!

  • Alyssa Fagan

    Alyssa Fagan


    Absolutely great service, and hair cut. The prices are so reasonable you won't believe it! I wish I got my haircut more often. The stylists are all so sweet and kind. I decided to switch my style back to short after having long hair for a few years. The stylist made sure I was ready and understood how much hair we would be cutting off before we started. That really means a lot to me. Agatha really took the time to help me figure out what I wanted and what was best for my face shape. Not every salon does that, some just sit you down and charge 100$ for a look you never wanted. I really highly recommend this salon and my stylist Agatha. I don't believe I'm going to go anywhere else for a long time.

  • en

    Nili Leeds


    Worst service i have ever received! I walked in for my appointment and asked if they had a place to hang my jacket, they said they would take it a minute. 30 minutes later no one took my jacket or told me that Jack was running late for my appointment. I finally saw Jack and he was on his phone looking at pictures. I asked him if he was still going to cut my hair since it was 30 minutes after my scheduled appointment, he ignored me and didn't answer. 5 minutes later he came over to me and brought me to his chair. I nicely said wow it was quite a long wait, is there a reason why you ignored me? Jack then said he wouldn't cut my hair I should leave! I had been going to Jack for many years, this is NOT the way you treat a client. I do not recommend anyone to go here!

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