First Street Barber Shop w Hoboken

Stany ZjednoczoneFirst Street Barber Shop



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55, 1st Street, 07030, Hoboken, Hudson County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-798-6361
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 40.7372518, Longitude: -74.030116

komentarze 5

  • en

    Jim Sweeney


    This has been my barbershop for the last 3 years. I usually go to Jerry or Jesse, but Nancy and Sandy also do a good job. They listen to what I want and I always walk out with a cut I'd be happy to make a first impression with.

  • Jason Zhang

    Jason Zhang


    Jeremy did a horrible job cutting the hair, not only ruined the already good style but also didn’t even offer to brush off the cut hair from my neck. Bad cut and worse customer service, Do Not Come.

  • Pageant Jewelry

    Pageant Jewelry


    This is my favorite barber for the past 13 years. I did go to another one about a block away when it first opened a year or two ago that felt more like a factory and decided never again. I shouldn't get stressed when I'm just going to get a quick cut and the energy there was frantic. At First Street Jesse is my preferred barber (for the past decade or so) and not only does he actually listen to what I want and give me an even cut that I get a good 4 or 5 weeks out of, the energy there is light, fun and no drama. What more does anyone want? It's like stopping into part authentic barber/part cheers (where everybody knows your name) and less then 30 minutes later I'm out w/a fresh cut, relaxed and only $20/+tip lighter in my pocket. Not a bad deal.

  • Adam Scribner

    Adam Scribner


    First Street Barber is a gem in Hoboken. I've been a patron for 18 years and get my hair cut here every three to four weeks with consistently great results. I now live on 14th Street, but it is worth the walk downtown. If you are looking for a professional, down-to-earth barber shop with an old-school feel and old-school prices, check it out.

  • Sio99



    Jesse at First St Barber is my go to stylist for my haircuts and I have never had a bad cut. The shop is quaint and clean, a good energy and efficient. I prefer making an appointment in advance so I know Jesse is there, but I have seen people walking in too. Some shops in town are way too pushy so for the past couple years this is the only shop I use.

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