Richard Chic Hair and Nail i Rutherford

Forenede StaterRichard Chic Hair and Nail



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70 Park Ave, 1st Fl., Rutherford, NJ 07070, США
kontakter telefon: +1 201-804-0024
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Latitude: 40.82774, Longitude: -74.103772

kommentar 5

  • en

    Vazgen Oganes


    The best of the best super duper barber!!!

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    Sujatha Ramesh


    Richard is THE person to make your hair look perfect and Jennifer rocks when it comes to your nails. I highly recommend them.

  • Екатерина Понкратова

    Екатерина Понкратова


    Richard did amazing haircut today. He got me right, as I explained. I'm speechless and overwhelmed. Will definitely come back again in 2 months. Thank you so much!

  • en

    Johanna thomas


    After many years of not getting the Japanese straightener I decided to do it again. I'm so glad I did! Richard did an amazing job!!!! He must be a scientist/magician to get my super thick, curly, unruly hair so shiny, straight, and healthy looking. Everyone at work asked if I did "something different" because my hair was "on point". Talk about a compliment from the younger women at work!!! (I'm 43, they are in their 20s!) The process was worth it! Life altering! I can sleep in a little longer because I don't have to worry about taming my hair before work. I wake up in the morning and it does not matter if it's humid, raining, whatever! I'm so happy I trusted my hair to such a professional! As an aside, if you like the gel manicures, his wife Jen (who's known as the queen of eyelash application) does an amazing job with Nexgen! It's like the gel manicure (lasts as long, super shiny) but does not ruin the nail bed. I love it. I'm not going back to regular gel nails. Customer for life!!!!!

  • James Chi

    James Chi


    I have been using Richard since his days at Palisades Park. And I followed him to Rutherford. Even more, I live in Upper Saddle River. So I can't say enough about him. He does a great job.

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