European Wax Center i Rutherford

Forenede StaterEuropean Wax Center



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42, Park Avenue, 07070, Rutherford, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 201-935-9299
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.8281441, Longitude: -74.1028092

kommentar 5

  • en

    Christina Montgomery


    I’ve gone here several times and have always had a great experience. It’s clean and the receptionists are friendly. I recently had Allie as my waxer and she’s my new go-to person! It was quick and relatively painless.

  • Christel Wilson

    Christel Wilson


    Best service for a great price point! Never burned, never hurt, always super duper clean and they never double dip the wax stick!

  • Tushar Solanki

    Tushar Solanki


    Great service, nice ppl

  • Melissa Calderone

    Melissa Calderone


    Came in for my first ever waxing experience and Vanessa S made it such a comfortable and positive visit. She was easy to talk to while being extremely professional. She put me at ease and did a fantastic job. 10/10 would visit and request her again!

  • Vanessa V-S

    Vanessa V-S


    The staff is always very nice ,friendly and accommodating to the clients needs and schedule. They have a 10 minutes rule, so even if for some reason you're late for 10 minutes, they will still take you for your appointment. Also, their products are very good , they really work and help you maintain a healthy skin . I've been going here for over a year , and will continue to do so .

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