Retro Fitness i Hackensack

Forenede StaterRetro Fitness



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100, Commerce Way, 07601, Hackensack, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 201-373-2301
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.9120566, Longitude: -74.0295715

kommentar 5

  • Jonathan S.

    Jonathan S.


    Weights are scattered throughout gym, few places to squat or bench, gym gets crowded quickly. Squat rack is on uneven ground. Location needs more space and redundant equipment to handle patron overflow.

  • David Hersko

    David Hersko


    Used to love the Hackensack Retro--would have given 5+ stars before the renovation. Pls bring back the theater!!! Paramus & Florham Park locations much better. Ramsey Retro is top of the line.

  • en

    Leah Temena-Husemann


    Been going to this gym ever since they opened. I recently enrolled in their Strong and Team classes. Their training coaches are awesome. They are good motivators and support. They cultivate a culture of community. It makes going to the gym enjoyable.

  • 0ho K

    0ho K


    Good overall, they don't get more stars bc if you are not a home member of this specific location, they don't offer any of their monthly perks. Otherwise 4 star in terms of ample parking space and high ceiling. Equipment is a bit old but that's typical of most retro fitness gym

  • John A.

    John A.


    This place is cheap and has all the basic equipment you need. The pros stop there. - The equipment is dirty. I've only seen a handful of clients wipe them down and never a staff member. - The staff is consistently unhelpful and unfriendly. When a machine needs to be lubricated - about once a month - I have to ask for the WD-40 (if they know what it is) and lubricate the machine myself. Similarly, when you go to inform them that you need the WD-40 or that the paper towels or cleaner has run out, you will only get an empty state in return - never a thank you - as if you are inconveniencing them at THEIR job. - The hours are inconsistent. First, they had "summer hours" during which we lost two hours each weekend. I was never notified, never received an e-mail. Forget about calling this location. Furthermore, their website has never been updated with their numerous closings for "maintenance" or renovations. When I emailed Retro Fitness through the website suggesting an email blast about closings for their clients, I never got a response. What good is it to be a gym member, if you can't go to it consistently? Don't we already have enough excuses to not make it to the gym? It's obvious they don't care as long as they can save money by closing occasionally and early.

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