Residence Inn by Marriott Minneapolis Downtown at The Depot i Minneapolis

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterResidence Inn by Marriott Minneapolis Downtown at The Depot



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425, South 2nd Street, 55401, Minneapolis, Hennepin County, US USA
kontakter telefon: +1 612-340-1300
internet side:
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Latitude: 44.9800824, Longitude: -93.2614361

kommentar 5

  • Jeremy Blaylock

    Jeremy Blaylock


    Location is good. Walking distance to many restaurants. Walking distance to the river. Quick access to skywalks. Room is nice. Friendly staff.

  • Christopher Culp

    Christopher Culp


    The hotel is located downtown, a quick two minute walk from the stone arch Bridge and five minutes from Blue Line light rail in a beautiful historic looking building. The service was absolutely top notch. I'm having trouble even thinking of something negative I could say. The rooms are spacious and comfortable, quick to heat or cool, and very quiet.

  • en

    Sarah Schultz


    I have a suite on the 4th floor. It's cute, and has two TVs, one in bedroom and one in the living room. The mini-kitchen is perfect, and includes some dishes/silverware/toaster/full-size microwave, half stove with oven. Call about parking rates if you have a car. It's pretty close to the light rail station, about 5 blocks, and there's a couple of good restaurants within one block. The people at the front desk have been AMAZING, and very helpful. The breakfast in the morning is so good, and has a variety of options that differ each day. I would totally recommend this hotel. It's perfect.

  • Nate Bentley

    Nate Bentley


    Beautiful rooms with decent views (depending on what you consider to be a good view, I was okay with it). The staff has been super friendly and helpful. They do provide complimentary toothpaste and razors and such at the front desk which was super nice to find out. A/C works as expected as well. I also locked myself out of my room once and getting another key took all of one minute, not even. Overall I'm not super picky but I've really enjoyed my stay here. It has everything you'd expect, is extremely nice, and I haven't had any complaints. And breakfast is pretty alright too.

  • Hemant T

    Hemant T


    This hotel is centrally located. The staff is very helpful. The hotel is very clean. There is a pretty good restaurant right across the street. The hotel serves hot breakfast in the morning and also has complimentary beer, wine, and snacks from Monday-Wednesday. This is a great place for business travelers. It has its own parking at $22/day including multiple entries. It has various access pointa from front and back. I highly recommend.

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