Hotel Ivy, a Luxury Collection Hotel, Minneapolis i Minneapolis

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Forenede StaterHotel Ivy, a Luxury Collection Hotel, Minneapolis



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201, South 11th Street, 55403, Minneapolis, Hennepin County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 612-746-4600
internet side:
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Latitude: 44.9714967, Longitude: -93.2726853

kommentar 5

  • en

    Chibuzo Nnonyelu


    Didn't lodge here but had breakfast in Monetello with a mentor. The service and food were very satisfactory.

  • en

    Eric Lenarz


    I didn't stay at the hotel, but did an evening of massage, valet and restaurant. All workers were very friendly. We had slow service at the restaurant, but it was mostly due to this terribly slow table that took forever to order. Without asking or complaining they complimented our wine and after dinner limoncello. The food was superb.

  • en

    Eric Aslesen


    Ok, no bull, this entire setup is, single-handedly, the best hotel I've ever experienced in my life. The front deskman, Thomas, was amazing; kind, courteous, and smiled like a friend. The room was extravagant; super comfortable bed, great bathroom, just perfect. Had breakfast at Mellano (inside hotel), and had probably the best Egg's Benedict I've ever had in my life. In the basement, Constantine, is without doubt, the coolest bar I've ever been to. Bree and Jackie made the experience perfect and inclusive, make sure to ask for their section. This place is a no-brainer. If you have the time, you NEED to try this place out.

  • en

    wendy finn


    Our weekend at Hotel Ivy was wonderful. The bar created amazing drinks and their spa is one of the best I've been to in quite a while. First class all the way.

  • Matthew Moslin

    Matthew Moslin


    The staff was the most friendly and conversational I have ever encountered at a hotel. The room was clean and comfortable. However, I experienced a problem with the water in the bathroom sink being very cloudy and looking not safe to drink.

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