Rappaport Dermatology w Croton-on-Hudson

Stany ZjednoczoneRappaport Dermatology


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

1, Baltic Place, 10520, Croton-on-Hudson, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 877-314-7546
strona internetowej: www.drrappaport.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.2273549, Longitude: -73.9092633

komentarze 5

  • en

    Wai Kuen Yeung


    We were very pleased with the service provided by Dr. Rappaport. The office was in a convenient location and had a very pleasant environment. He diagnosed my husband's skin condition and everything was quickly resolved. Thank You.

  • en

    P Stone


    Over the years I've been to see Dr.Rappaport on numerous occasions for his extensive cosmetic laser expertise. My 3 other family members have also used his Dermatology services for their issues that arise from time to time. I've always found him to be (most important) "very knowledgable" and he also has a pleasant bedside manor. My Wife always mentions to me after her visits how friendly his staff was. I've always felt very comfortable under his care with his probable 30+ years of experience. And I can speak from experience as over the years I've had too many unhappy experiences with some of our other local MD's that I've seen for other medical issues. Dr Rappaport is a true Gem in my opinion.

  • en

    Marc Borenstein


    Great staff, professional, warm, efficiently getting things done for my appointment to run smoothly. Dr. Rappoport is one of those rare doctors that combines skill and caring. He is highly knowledgeable and competent and also takes the time to explain things clearly, address any concerns, and answer questions.

  • en

    Michele Riggi


  • en

    Alexis Middleton


    I saw Dr. Rappaport this morning for the first time. He was great! Staff was very friendly and got me in right away. Very knowledgeable and knew right away what was going on. He explained everything to me and answered all my questions. I was very pleased as my last dermatologist was very short with me during appointments. I highly recommend him.

najbliższy Salon piękności

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