Pretty Face Medi Spa w Montrose

Stany ZjednoczonePretty Face Medi Spa


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2081, Albany Post Road, 10548, Montrose, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 914-788-9790
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Latitude: 41.2426128, Longitude: -73.9244317

komentarze 5

  • Laurie E Weisz

    Laurie E Weisz


    I had the 360 procedure done on my face. It removes years of sun damage and fixes fine lines and tightens the face. It took me two years to do it because I am a chicken when it comes to procedures. The result was amazing!! It got rid of so many of my unwanted freckles and sun spots. It also brightened my face. There are 3 days when your face looks red and puffy but the result was worth it! Linda knows her stuff!!! Everything she said would happen did! I would do it again if I had too. Thanks to her regimen recommendations on skin protection hopefully I won't have to!

  • Laura Nuzzo

    Laura Nuzzo


    The process of tattooing eyeliner and electrolosis was a bit intimidating to me but I trusted Linda, and she didn't let me down. She went out of her way to make sure I looked beautiful and made sure I was comfortable for the entire process. I get complimented constantly on how great it looks and I always feel beautiful. She is truly artist and a professional.

  • en

    Jennifer Neza


    Linda is extremely educated as well as being a complete sweetheart. She did a FANTASTIC job on my mothers eyebrows. I highly recommend her to anyone thinking about permanent makeup.

  • Rosanna Jacobson

    Rosanna Jacobson


    Linda did my permanent eye liner today and I am SO thrilled with the results. She was absolutely incredible and the style came out exactly how I envisioned it! It was pain-free and we were able to chat through the whole thing! I was beyond impressed and would definitely recommend Pretty Face Medi Spa to everyone!

  • emily meehan

    emily meehan


    Coming to Pretty Face Medi Spa has been one of the best decisions I have ever made! I've had three laser hair removal treatments done and the results are remarkable. There was a noticeable difference in my hair thickness and growth after just one session, and it continues to disappear with each visit. It is such a relief to finally be having this treatment done, and I couldn't have chosen a better place. Linda has always made me feel extremely comfortable and is clearly knowledgeable about all the procedures and new developments. The spa itself is a beautiful, clean and calming environment. Everything is reasonably priced and they also offer promotions quite often. I would certainly recommend the spa to anyone. Thank You Pretty Face Medi Spa!

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