Raleigh Marriott City Center i Raleigh

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Forenede StaterRaleigh Marriott City Center



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500, Fayetteville Street, 27601, Raleigh, Wake County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 919-833-1120
internet side: www.marriott.com
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Latitude: 35.7731875, Longitude: -78.6403286

kommentar 5

  • Lindsay Walter

    Lindsay Walter


    LOVE this hotel! The two gentleman I talked with at the front desk were amazing! So kind, friendly, outgoing and helpful! They definitely have outstanding customer service! There are a ton of resturants and bars within walking distance as well as one in the hotel. It was very clean and welcoming. I would definitely recommend this hotel to anyone coming to Raleigh!

  • Jason B. Blank

    Jason B. Blank


    This is a great Marriott for a business event. The meeting rooms are well situated and the meeting spaces are modern, well lit, and comfortable. The room is a less modern Marriott style, but still comfortable and nice. One downside is lack of 24 hr access to the Concierge Lounge. That was a bummer...just wanted a cold soda.

  • Robby Birdsong

    Robby Birdsong


    My wife and I live in Durham and often come here to stay at the Marriott for a night or so on the weekends every now and then. It is our absolute favorite hotel in the Raleigh area possibly our favorite Hotel anywhere. Management and the staff at this location are absolutely amazing. They have a way of making us feel almost like royalty when we come and stay here. You cannot go wrong if you're looking for a romantic place to take your better half. Of course it's great for all that other office type stuff too.

  • Lauren Weathersby

    Lauren Weathersby


    The hotel was very nice. There were people who helped you with parking and helped you with your bags if you needed help. They went pretty quick with sign in, even with all the other people in there. they had so much to in the lobby and the location is close enough that you can walk to many restaurants. Overall, the stay was great and I'd recommend going to anyone.

  • Number 28

    Number 28


    The bar downstairs is warm and friendly. Great business stay. Rye cafe right there. Stayed in really comfortable beds. Will stay there next time, I recommend! They are friendly staff too!

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