Q&C HotelBar New Orleans, Autograph Collection i New Orleans

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Forenede StaterQ&C HotelBar New Orleans, Autograph Collection



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344, Camp Street, 70130, New Orleans, Orleans Parish, US Stany Zjednoczone
kontakter telefon: +1 504-587-9700
internet side: www.qandc.com
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Latitude: 29.9500455, Longitude: -90.0690065

kommentar 5

  • en

    Cj T


    Great location in the warehouse district. Nice good sized rooms, free wifi, really good restaurant downstairs. Staff is very courteous and friendly. Shower design is a bit weird but there's good water pressure and it gets quite hot. AC could be better as it gets quite warm. Overall it's quite a nice place to stay considering costs.

  • en

    Marie Francis


    Rooms are small but quaint. Lots of history and great artwork. Within walking distance to many busier areas. Felt safe here, as I was traveling alone. Would recommend.

  • James Tomlinson

    James Tomlinson


    Not a big place, and the rooms are on the smaller side. But that is the intent. It was converted from an older hotel or something else, but with Marriott service. Room was small, but you are not going to spend a lot of time in the Room in New Orleans. We only used the restaurant for breakfast, but it had a decent selection. Very helpful staff, gave us excellent suggestions for dinner.

  • Natalie Zappella

    Natalie Zappella


    Cute place, staff are really nice. The hotel is in two different buildings, next to each other. Most amenities and guest services are in one building (Queen I think), but there's a great, quiet large lounge area on first floor of the other building. WiFi is free throughout! Great perk. The only thing that was kind of bothersome was that not all of the furniture with outlet chargers were connected (only one was) so charging was left down to 1 outlet in the room and one in the bathroom.

  • en

    Renee Billings


    This is a great hotel! Staff is very friendly, polite and helpful. Restaurant is truly very good, was surprised at the quality of the different dishes. Are at least one meal here every day and all were tasty. Rooms are smaller (this was an old railroad station building) but are well decorated and arranged. All around enjoyable!

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