Pure Aveda Lifestyle Salon & Spa i Washington

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterPure Aveda Lifestyle Salon & Spa



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1226, Connecticut Avenue Northwest, 20036, Washington, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 202-293-1200
internet side: www.puredupont.com
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Latitude: 38.906799, Longitude: -77.0420464

kommentar 5

  • en

    Kathy Lai


    Terrible service the receptionist Dior’s not know the products and could ring up my purchases properly. Could not print a receipt even. Just terrible.

  • en

    Sidny Harker


    Stephanie is the best! She listens and can translate what I want into an amazing haircut and color. Class act service as well!

  • en

    Going With The Joe JP22


    Lovely salon. Front desk, Ramona, very pleasant. Victoria is a wonderful stylist. Very good massage therapists and aestheticians

  • en

    Sidney Wood


    This place is awful! Will not take responsibility for their repeated mistakes. Don't go here!

  • Shannon Selis

    Shannon Selis


    Michelle was my esthetician and i had one of the best facials I've had in years. My friends and brother are still complimenting how great my skin looks 2 days later! It feels so soft and silky. She's very knowledgable and will give you great advice on skincare. Go see her and let her do her magic!

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