Cavalry Washington DC i Washington

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Forenede StaterCavalry Washington DC



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1341, Connecticut Avenue Northwest, 20036, Washington, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 202-223-2066
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Latitude: 38.9083, Longitude: -77.042497

kommentar 5

  • Zakariyah Asage

    Zakariyah Asage


    Couldn't think of a complaint if I wanted to. I've never been so relaxed getting my nails done. Professional and polite from the greeter to the nail tech. Best experience I've ever had and these cuticles look better than ever! If you want celebrity service this is the place to go!

  • Kristyn Brier

    Kristyn Brier


    The service here was absolutely top-notch. My cousin and I went for pedicures and we have a great experience with Anna and Maya. They were so attentive to any need we had, including refills on wine. Highly recommend and we will be going back for monthly pampering!

  • Nataliya Kindiy

    Nataliya Kindiy


    I was new to DC and had left my colorist of a few years. After an extensive search on google for a highly rated salon in the DC area, I found Cavalry Salon and followed both the salon and the owner Yvonne on instagram. I was really nervous about getting my hair lightened but seeing photos of Yvonne's impressive work made me more comfortable with committing to getting my hair done with her. My experience at the salon was amazing. The interior is modern and welcoming. The employees are warm, friendly, and approachable. Upon my arrival I was offered a glass of wine which I thought was a nice touch to the relaxing vibe of the salon. As to Yvonne's work, she was phenomenal. Yvonne was the first hairstylist I felt like I could be honest with. When she first did my hair, the color wasn't as light as I was hoping for. However, she told me to come back no charge because she wanted me to love my color and be completely happy. The second time she gave me a couple more highlights and I was more than satisfied. She was amazing and I love what she did with my hair. I highly recommended her for hair coloring. Not only is she very talented but she's easy to talk to and creates a great experience. Yvonne has hands of gold. I will definitely be back!

  • Noy Kaufman

    Noy Kaufman


    I came to get a major haircut of at least 10 inches. Hava was hands down the best stylist I've ever had! Not only did she take such good care of my hair, she paid extra attention to every detail and cut and was 100% committed that I'll be happy and satisfied with my haircut. Fabulous Experience!! Professional, responsible, and reliable services! My new Favorite.

  • Anya Medvedev

    Anya Medvedev


    Wonderful service and wonderful people. My girlfriends and I were there twice to have our nails done. My friend had gel manicure that lasted three weeks. And we both had wonderful experience with our pedicure. On top of great service they serve complimentary wine and other beverages. Prices are good too. You will not be disappointed.

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