POS Partners, Inc i Milwaukee

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterPOS Partners, Inc


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250, East Wisconsin Avenue, 53202, Milwaukee, Milwaukee County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 888-477-7711
internet side: www.pos.partners
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Latitude: 43.038971, Longitude: -87.9082668

kommentar 5

  • Scott Brittain

    Scott Brittain


    Just got done with some training with Kirk great guy helped us immensely took his time training us properly hopefully :-) would recommend POS partners along with Kirk to other businesses.

  • jake pettit

    jake pettit


    System is 4 weeks old constantly crashing and having to be restarted mostly does not work when we are busy........ so disappointed that for my first really busy weekend of the season and I am down one terminal and have been on phone support most of the rest of the weekend. :( update as of Nov. Still struggling. Now they lost a tablet we sent in for service ........ So horrible. And be cautious of these reviews they pressure all new customers into giving a good review on the day if instalation. Update Jan 10 2018, still horrible, still calling 4 or more times a week with issues, Kirk still has not found our tablet we sent in and is pretty much unresponsive in clearing up any of our issues. Currently searching for the next pos this company is a joke. Don't trust the reviews they pressure and coach all customers to put a review on before install is even done! Best way to waste 25000.00. Here it is!

  • en

    Brittany Johnson


    My name is Brittany from The Cove in Buffalo City. We JUST switched from Transform to POS Partners due to poor service. We are very satisfied with the work of POS Partners and Kirk. The system was switched out quickly and we opened without issues. Thanks Kirk!

  • en

    Rachael Jacobson


    As a server this POS system makes my job harder than if I just took all my orders the old fashion way. The system is only 6 months old and constantly crashes, making it impossible for us to serve our customers efficiently and in a timely manner. Serious improvements need to be made !

  • en

    Taylor Mackey


    This POS system is very unreliable. I am a server and there is nothing more frustrating than being in the middle of an order and completely losing connection with my POS handheld. It's also very frustrating when I have to ring through a credit card and it takes 5 minutes for the transaction to process! The POS system is supposed to make the life of a server easier so they can provide better service to their customers, this is definitely not the case with this POS.

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