Portland Marriott City Center i Portland

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterPortland Marriott City Center



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520, Southwest Broadway, 97205, Portland, Multnomah County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 503-226-6300
internet side: www.marriott.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 45.520429, Longitude: -122.678908

kommentar 5

  • Alexander Koren

    Alexander Koren


    Meets typical Marriott standards - clean room, comfortable bed, etc. Rooms also have mini-fridges, which is a plus. However, two cons to be aware of: 1) Zero benefits for SPG Gold and/or corporate bookings. Got stuck on the lowest possible floor in a tiny room where I could hear children screaming through the walls. $4 water bottles and $5/night for WiFi. Front desk made no attempt at apology or a simple justification (like "sorry we're really full"). 2) Parking is an outrageous $45/night. This is unfortunately the norm for the area. If you are staying multiple nights on your own dime, park literally anywhere else.

  • Andy Reichert

    Andy Reichert


    Room was clean, extremely comfortable bed and no issues with amenities. Elevator requires room key use to operate and no easily accessible food in the building but front desk did offer snacks. Really good experience would return again.

  • en

    Jessica Yakey-Fogle


    I visited my mom who was staying here. We got drinks and food at the second floor bar. The bar tender was friendly, funny accommodating, and a skilled mixologist. We were there pretty late 9-10pm and there weren't too many people, but the kitchen was still open and the food was delicious. We got the truffle fries and one of us got steak fries with their burger, both were equally good. Usually steak fries are dry, there were exquisite!

  • en

    Greg Kouvaras


    Clean and comfortable. Nice views from the concierge lounge. Conveniently located in downtown Portland. There are multiple food truck squares within walking distance as well as a bunch of good restaurants and breweries. The riverfront is also very accessible. I would stay here again.

  • Brenda Taylor

    Brenda Taylor


    Location is great. The staff were all very kind and helpful. The valley parking guys went above and beyond by helping us jump our car. Billing was exactly as I was told online. The were no extra fees, deposits, or funny business. The room was clean and quiet. Comfortable bed. We could walk everywhere we needed to go and felt safe. We had a great date night. I will look here again if staying the night downtown.

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