Planet of Granite and Flooring LLC en Alvarado

Estados UnidosPlanet of Granite and Flooring LLC



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6101, U.S. 67, 76009, Alvarado, Johnson County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 817-202-8803
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 32.4120733, Longitude: -97.2502815

comentarios 4

  • en

    Jacob Wayne Ray


    Didn’t do a great job measuring. Now we have to cover a 3/4” gap between our cabinets and new quartz countertops. All the people there and installers are very friendly and helpful other than that. I’m going to try to include photos of the workmanship.

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    Jason Brooks


    Great family owned business with everything you need when it comes to giving your home that make over its been waiting for. They have all types of flooring, tile and stones for kitchen and bathroom countertops.

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    Jeff Netherton


    Would have rated them a zero if I could. They have to be the worst. Material was not ordered when it should have been, so we had to settle for our second choice. This was a complete floor overhaul and bathroom tile and tile shower install. Workers are slobs, leaving food wrappers and debris wherever they feel like. Tile workers slopped grout all over new bathroom vanity cabinets and newly painted walls. Broke ceiling fan in masterbedroom removing old shower inset. None of the workers speak English well enough to have a conversation or ask questions. Broke off my job to complete other jobs, only because the one that did speak English was the salesman. (Imagine that) did not make make me aware that I would have to schedule a plumber. To this day, the job is still not completed. No transitions from carpet to laminate. STAY AWAY FROM THESE PEOPLE. ESPECIALLY SERGIO, THE SALESMAN. HE IS A CON ARTIST AND NEVER CAN KEEP HIS WORD.

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    Carolyn Daniel


    Very nice people.

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