
🕗 horarios

4740, U.S. 67, 76009, Alvarado, Johnson County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 817-645-0460
sitio web: www.aposfloors.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 32.4004543, Longitude: -97.283714

comentarios 5

  • en

    Janice Plihal


    The team at Apos was wonderful to work with on our kitchen countertops. From granite selection/pricing to beveled edge options, delivery and installation, this company puts the client first. Our team had an exceptionally long day here but with a brilliant outcome. I appreciated that concerns/suggestions were dealt with in a professional manner. I would recommend Fernando and his team to anyone updating or remodeling their home.

  • Cherise Picou

    Cherise Picou


    We just had granite counters installed yesterday by Apos Flooring & Granite Countertops for our kitchen and 2 bathrooms. We were very impressed with the quality, reasonable prices and keeping the dates we were promised. From the time we gave our deposit, it only took 2 weeks to complete installation. We absolutely recommend them to anyone interested in granite!

  • en

    Kathleen Boone


    Apos Floors came to my rescue when I had a bad floor. They did everything possible to alleviate the situtation. Very caring folks. I recommend them for any job you need done.

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    Samantha Gillin


    APOS installed my new granite counter tops this month, I have an amazing looking new kitchen. The price was good and every detail of the work was done exceptionally well. My counters are great and the back splash is beautiful. The owner suggested stone for my backsplash with touches of my granite counter dispersed through the backsplash WOW it is great. I have had more compliments on the work that was done and keep getting them every time someone sees my kitchen, it is a diamond in the rough come to life. Love it and the customer service is exceptional. I will be having my new floor done by APOS, if you ask something of them that they feel will not work or cheapen your home they will tell you and not do the job. Integrity is important to APOS. APOS values their reputation and do not try to take advantage of anyone. If it works for you and APOS also they will do the job but they will not sacrifice quality for cheap jobs that will not hold up and look great. I would recommend this company for their wonderful work ethic and a beautiful change for your kitchen and home you can be proud of. Samantha Gillin

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    Steven Reed


    Don't waste your time. They don't know what they are talking about. Not sure how they even stay in business. Do your self a favor and go with someone else. Didn't want mine for sure.

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