Petes Fish Place i Fishkill

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterPetes Fish Place



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973, Main Street, 12524, Fishkill, Dutchess County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 917-405-9428
internet side:
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Latitude: 41.5314202, Longitude: -73.9083436

kommentar 3

  • en

    Sherri Loghry


    Sells diseased fish. Even sent one completely missing a fin!

  • Westchester Sports & Wellness

    Westchester Sports & Wellness


    Pete has done an amazing job setting up and maintaining my salt water aquarium in my office. He had a custom cabinet/stand made in order to fit the space that was required. It was not an easy job, but he got it done. I’m a beginner with aquariums and was nervous about salt water, but am now very confident having Pete as my consultant. He’s honest, fair and is a real expert. Tell him what you’re looking to do and he’ll tell you the best way to do it. My aquarium is beautiful and has been thriving since the initial set up. Thank you Pete!

  • en

    Corn Taters


    These guys know how to pack fish when it's 30 F; they refused to ship during the 3-day single-digit cold spell in the East Coast. Michael of Petes Fish Place replied immediately to my email as well as giving me a call on the phone to keep me informed and assured. Fish arrived looking great--as ordered. I dripped acclimated them and now they're in the bags adjusting to tank temp. (no lights of course). I look forward to doing business with these good folks again. Hobbyist on West Coast.

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