Absolute Corals i Hopewell Junction

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterAbsolute Corals



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1973, New York 52, 12533, Hopewell Junction, Dutchess County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 845-440-8295
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 41.54102, Longitude: -73.836859

kommentar 5

  • Anthony Harris

    Anthony Harris


    Healthy fish and corals with good prices. The place is small, quaint and clean. Very Knowledgeable staff. I recommend this spot.

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    donald bing


    Very knowledgeable guy

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    Thomas Finneran


    Great selection of corals and good prices . That being said my poor rating is based on the constumer service. I decided to finally upgrade my sump with a new skimmer , motor and custom acrylic sump. In the first 6 months the motor failed. I was then advised by the company they wouldn't honor the warranty because the pump wasn't designed for the application of pumping from the basement up to the first floor. In the end I had to buy another pump and this time I went with an awaki. Then before the year was out the sump began to leak and come apart at the seams. I had to use clamps to hold . Contacted the store and they advised they would be out that week, but never showed. Called again and was told I could pick up a special glue at the store .I drove out and the guy working couldn't find it . In the end I had to buy another sump and motor for a setup I had only been using for a year. As I said they had a good selection when I went , but after this disaster I haven't and won't be going back.

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    Erick Armanii


    I love that they are interested in making a genuine relationship with the local reefing community! I'm looking for a specific fish and couple different styles of coral they took my number down and followed up with me throughout the whole process! Not to mention the fish are nice and healthy, and the corals look spectacular under all types of lights! These guys deserve 10 out of 10 stars!

  • Al H

    Al H


    Great place to pick up coral. The tanks are well cared for and there's a selection of frags for $25 each. Bobby is a friendly guy and very knowledgeable. Definitely going here to add to my coral collection!

nærmeste Akvarium

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