Paul's Rods & Restos en Deer Park

Estados UnidosPaul's Rods & Restos



🕗 horarios

131, Brook Avenue, 11729, Deer Park, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 631-665-7637
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.7466809, Longitude: -73.3068283

comentarios 5

  • Daniel Ribacoff, P.I.

    Daniel Ribacoff, P.I.


    Filed law suit in NYS Supreme Court against this shop for fraud and negligence!

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    Edward Szwedo


    I brought my 69 Firebird to Paul's to correct many flaws created by another shop. Paul and Dan worked with me to address all my concerns. They kept me apprised of the work being done with hundreds of pictures sent on a weekly basis. They called me to discuss any concerns or ideas before they proceeded with a new phase of the work. Paul's office staff was always courteous, professional and efficient when I called or emailed to ask questions or pay an invoice. Communication was always excellent and I never felt so comfortable leaving my pride and joy in anyone's hand for so many months. I also never felt rushed or as though I was being a burden when I spoke to Paul, Dan or anyone else at Paul's. Now mind you, I paid a pretty penny for the work done but in this case I got what I paid for. My car has never looked better. Thank you Paul's Rods and Restos.

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    Joseph castellane


    This review is long overdue. Pauls Rods and Restos is a great shop, very professional and knowledgable staff. Custom car work is a very specialized skill set. My local mechanic, whom I know well, didn't even want to take my 32 chevy into his shop. Pauls Rods and Restos got it running great. Starts the first time, eveytime. Looking forward to bring my car back for more work.

  • Artie G

    Artie G


    Finally a shop that knows what they are doing, very honest keeps you updated with photos daily, forget about all the tv shows ,this shop is the real deal!!!!!!!!!!!!

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    Michael Burdge


    BEWARE My car needs more work than before the restoration!! Read no more and just move on the another Resto shop. Paul charged a Ton of money and gave me Unprofessional work. Buffer destroyed the paint job, huge amount of bobbles in paint along both sides of drip rail and bottom of car. Car assembled poorly, Windshields, weather stripping, gaskets, trim, windows were not install properly, Many problems with the engine. Now I'm stuck restoring the car myself but do not have the time, a garage and now no money. Thanks for nothing!!! Actual STAR RATING for my car is a minus -10

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