Atlantic Agency Inc en North Babylon

Estados UnidosAtlantic Agency Inc



🕗 horarios

1469, Deer Park Avenue, 11703, North Babylon, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 631-736-7777
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.7469458, Longitude: -73.3231715

comentarios 5

  • Vanessa Vyles

    Vanessa Vyles


    I will never get my taxes done from this place again!! my experience was terrible. i had to call numerous times about the status of my tax filing. Calls were rarely returned. When the taxes were finally completed the tax preparer demanded that my husband and I come into the office and sign the return in person! They claimed it was the law which was a lie! I had to have an attorney friend call her and demand the release of the tax returns. Then they insisted that my husband and i have a conference call with them so they could explain the tax return to both of us. When we got on the phone they challenged our identity and my husbands signature and said the call was being recorded! They made me go through hell...After paying $200 to get my tax done. I've waited months after months for them to finally send me the tax papers to sign . I even let them know that I needed the tax return for school and immigration. They did not care.... this is not the first time I got my tax done. I usually sign the papers and the person who's doing my tax makes 2 copies of the paper i signed, one for me and one for them.. the original is sent to IRS. They emailed me 9 papers to sign, they were duplicate. They were very lazy, mean and disrespectful. They raised their voice to me and were condescending about my returning to them signed copies of the customer copies!!!! LMAO I honestly think if I had white skin they would have treated me differently. Very rude, and unprofessional. Most of the time when I called my assigned preparer would put me on hold or say she would call me back but never would. Finally... last time i spoke to them my tax preparer said it would be ready on monday. so i asked my sister today (friday) to pick up my returns, when my sister got there she claimed it wasn't ready...and made her wait, when she finally came out she gave my sister an attitude for no reasons and a hand written note saying our taxes were completed and our business with each other finished. How unprofessional! Stay away from this place!!!!!!

  • en

    Chris Catalano


    Great service and very friendly staff. Easy to work with.

  • Tonianne Napolitano

    Tonianne Napolitano


    I really love working with Atlantic Agency! They help me with with all of my insurance and tax needs year after year. It is so easy for me to do what ever I need because they have their own phone App so I can pay my bills right away! They have a really friendly team that is always willing to help in any way that they possibly can. I am really happy with this agency & so thankful for all they have done for me!

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    Stacy Rosenfeld


  • en

    John Martelli


    Did not verbally disclose service fees Caused bounced check fees Paid for 2 policies at once Owner would not call me back to resolve problems after 5 attempts. Winds up I can get the policy cheaper elsewhere.

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