Party City i Yorktown Heights

Forenede StaterParty City



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3333, Crompond Road, 10598, Yorktown Heights, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 914-739-9097
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Latitude: 41.289362, Longitude: -73.8299365

kommentar 5

  • Jehuda Ish-Shalom

    Jehuda Ish-Shalom


    Looks cool. So many types and shapes of mylar balloons.

  • Rachelle S

    Rachelle S


    Lots of cool stuff for parties here. Staff is helpful

  • en

    Louis Pelosi


    Always fun to shop there. Big variety. Not the highest quality of costumes or unique adult items but they always have reasonable prices and a helpful staff

  • Emilio Cruz

    Emilio Cruz


    Fantastic for my first time there good service and great atender

  • John Mahanna

    John Mahanna


    Great staff, always helpful. I needed balloons last min to surprise my son's friend who was going away and the team at PC had the balloons we needed ready for me when I came in the door with only 10 mins notice. There was a very happy little boy getting off the school bus that day thanks to the staff at Party City!

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