Hollister Co. i Yorktown Heights

Forenede StaterHollister Co.



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650, Lee Boulevard, 10598, Yorktown Heights, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 914-245-2401
internet side: www.hollisterco.com
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Latitude: 41.328291, Longitude: -73.807374

kommentar 2

  • en

    Beberly Proano


    Recently I was at this store, and i was very satisfied with my purchase but most of all i was extremely satisfied with the help of Rima and Anne. I recommend it to everyone, especially at this time because they have nice deals.

  • en

    Angelina Pereira


    Hello. I am writing about my experience with this store. The new 'Assistant manger" He is so efficient. warming, helpful, courteous, patient. above all to cut down on writing. He is a fantastic,. It;s a pleasure to shop there when he is around. I've encountered a male associate who was ready to curse me out. not interested to help out. Just a nice young girl who was very helpful. Holister needs to be 'Bright" when walking in. It is dark and gloomy,but, a nice neat store. I am giving a 5 star becuse of this new assistant manger who is extraordinary. He deserves a good pay packet. Keep the good work up. Google User.

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