Parm en New York

Estados UnidosParm



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250, Vesey Street, 10281, New York, New York County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 212-776-4927
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.7144617, Longitude: -74.0161123

comentarios 5

  • Orlando Marin

    Orlando Marin


    Get the chicken parm dinner. You'll probably want to take half of it home. The pasta with this meal is perfectly spicy and the chicken is delicious. Their calamari is also excellent, never overcooked.

  • giovanni rucher

    giovanni rucher


    We stopped there after work for some beers and picky food. The place looks nice inside and confortable. Service is good and fast. From the bar you can see the pasta machine. They make fresh pasta there, I guess next time I have to try. No loud music you can actually enjoy conversation. I gave 4 starts just because I didn't eat there so I don't know but the French fries were very good

  • Irada Emelyanova

    Irada Emelyanova


    Nice cozy atmosphere. Friendly and easy going staff. My favorites here are Crispy Zucchini for an appetizer and Eggplant Park for a main course. You won’t find this zucchini’s anywhere else. Trust me.

  • Ralph Reyes

    Ralph Reyes


    Was pleasantly surprised at how good the food was here considering the touristy location. Would definitely go back! The chicken warm was DELICIOUS. Highly recommend that.

  • Tim Bruckner

    Tim Bruckner


    This place had very weird vibes from the moment you walk in to the moment you sit down. I can not quite tell what the theme of the 'Italian' restaurant is. The service wasn't the best but acceptable. The food wasn't the best either and it was definitely overpriced for the quality. I believe the small Caesar salad was around $12 and another $8 for what seemed to be a half of a piece of grilled chicken. Definitely ask for extra dressing.. I know New York City is expensive, but save some money and walk around the block to another Italian place if you don't want to pay an arm and a leg for what seems like an appetizer instead of a dinner.

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