Papa John's Pizza i Nashville

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterPapa John's Pizza



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2316, West End Avenue, 37203, Nashville, Davidson County, US Stany Zjednoczone
kontakter telefon: +1 615-321-4000
internet side:
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Latitude: 36.1483517, Longitude: -86.805943

kommentar 5

  • James Dalluge

    James Dalluge


    I've ordered from this store 3 times. Each experience has been equally terrible. Each time my order has been over 15-30 minutes late. Quality of the food and temperature has been subpar. Will be looking at different pizza delivery options going forward.

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    jason willett


    Took longer than they said for the food. Got cold pizza. 10 little chicken nugget like bites and hot Pepsi. Sauce tasted bland. I gave a negative review and the mgr said my next order was 40% off. I tried it again but the 40% was if I ordered at regular premium price. My original order was $24. The said I would have to pay premium to get the discount and in came to $23 with discount. Told him to keep his discount. I'll go to krofets and get something of quality and make myself a good dinner. Never see another dollar from me again papa johns.

  • Noah Van Mierlo

    Noah Van Mierlo


    Alright pizza but they don’t let you use the Belmont card over the phone?? Like it’s not a real card?? I did that just a few days ago and then now they say they can’t do it… The employee said that rudely, by the way. Honestly have had enough of this place; how come they can’t just do something when we request it?? Goodness gracious

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    greg jones


    Eric is so wonderful! He always takes such good care of me and my orders are always correct.

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    Brad Burnett


    Would be nice if each order of pizza came with garlic sauce it's a must kinda disappointed I always get the garlic sauce but tonight I guess not pretty bummed

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