Panda Express i Fort Worth

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterPanda Express



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2928, East Berry Street, 76105, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 817-535-3100
internet side:
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Latitude: 32.7128818, Longitude: -97.2827684

kommentar 5

  • en

    Leslie Benker


    This is a great place to eat. Always large portions. Really get what you pay for and this location has a great staff. Always very friendly.

  • joshua anderson

    joshua anderson


    Fast food Chinese. some of the employees tho have real bad attitudes. Drive thru is so slow one time I entered it with a fresh hot cup of coffee. By the time I got my food my coffee was cold

  • en

    Arletha Kisavi


    Service was horrible. They talk to you bad. The girl in the drive would not allow me to places my order with out telling me how she has to ring it up. I didn't want noodles or what is was offering so she got a attitude. Drop my money on the ground in the drive Thur window

  • Paul Hung

    Paul Hung


    Decor: 4/5 -Clean interior Service: 4/5 -Not terribly busy during lunch hours -Friendly staff Food: 3/5 -Honey walnut shrimp has good flavor however its missing the crunchy texture -Orange chicken, their original and most popular, will go fast. I was fortunate enough to get a fresh batch cooked -White rice a bit dry -Bowl $5.90 comes with one entree and one side -Plate $6.90 comes with two entrees and one side

  • en



    It was my first time ordering from this place (my dad warned me not to get the fried rice because it's bland and flavorless). So I decided to chose a safer option, and ordered a bowl of chow mien with beef and broccoli. The moment I took the first bite I knew I made a good choice. The pieces of beef were tasty and the broccoli tasted even more delicious upon dipping it in soy sauce. I also ordered two veggie spring rolls which were the best I've ever tasted. Overall, the service is wonderful and the staff very helpful!

nærmeste Måltid takeaway

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