Little Caesars Pizza i Fort Worth

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterLittle Caesars Pizza



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5159, Wichita Street, 76119, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 817-413-0220
internet side:
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Latitude: 32.6837685, Longitude: -97.279406

kommentar 5

  • Artdark cordova

    Artdark cordova


    Servicio rapido y pizza deliciosa

  • en

    Andrew McMichael


    They refused to make my 5yo a lunch combo saying it was only available 11-2pm, which was a lie. I went down the street to another little caesar down the road and they made for us no problem saying its only hotNready 11-2 but they'll make it anytime. Manager on duty said quote "read the sign, it's not my problem you just need to go" he then refused to give his name, card or the store number. Would not go here. Worth the drive to another nearby Caesar's.

  • en

    Patricia Buchanan


    Awesome price but ok pizza

  • Natalie Voltage

    Natalie Voltage


    The service here is great, and pizzas and stuff are as they should be. Be warned that evenings and Saturdays and Sundays, this place is packed full of customers.

  • en

    Daniel Sanchez


    Called to pickup. Got home and noticed there was only small patches of cheese and everything else was dried out. Lack of cheese, sauce and pepperoni. Ate it because we were hungry. Wasn't planning on returning for a refund, but then we started getting stomach pains. I get there and the manager tells me she can't do anything about it and denies my refund. She tells me that there isn't anyone else I can talk to about it. I won't be returning. If you do go there, make sure you check your food before they move on the the next customer and shove you out the door.

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