Pagano Tiles en Plainview

Estados UnidosPagano Tiles



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1120, Old Country Road, 11803, Plainview, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 516-454-7998
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.776565, Longitude: -73.466025

comentarios 5

  • en

    ruth kapiloff


    Recently had my shower floor re-grouted (the grout was terribly pitted). Mr. Pagan came to my house for an estimate....charged a very fair price and within a short time successfully completed the job. The workers were EXTREMELY pleasant, polite and very competent. It was a pleasure working with Pagano Tile...I recommend them very highly.

  • en

    Jeannie Sciulara


    Pagano Tile has been one of the best contractors we've used, the progress was very easy and fast! It took them little to no time in scheduling us in, maybe 2 weeks out. Once we got all the materials needed for our basement, we gave them a call and we were placed right in. They did a beautiful job! The workers were very neat and cleaned up after themselves. I loved that they would tarp paper down so it did not get on our future. Wonderful!! Will definitely hire again when we get to remodeling the kitchen.

  • X. Guo

    X. Guo


    Hiring Pagano Tile to do our kitchen tiles has been nothing else but a pure delight from the beginning to the end! From the reasonable estimate by Joseph, and the very friendly and thoughtful administrator Sylvia, to the perfection-driven, hardworking and pleasant contractors David and Dianna, everything was beyond our expectation! So glad that we hired them and I will definitely recommend this to everyone who wants to deal with honest and professional companies.

  • en

    Joey Paul


    Excellent work on my Bathroom floor! Fairly quick on schedule, wonderful service, Joey and his crew went above and beyond my expectations. Worth every penny. The office girl on the phone replied quickly to my messages and was very reliable when it came to organization and planning. Great job Pagano!

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    Martha T


    Pagano Tile has done such an incrediable job for my showers, they normally require the customer to supply the tiles but as an elderly, there was no way I was capable of getting tiles on my own. Joey offered to get the tiles for me as for all I wanted was regular subway tiles. The lovely lady in the office, Sylvia, was very quick on her proposal and was absolutely understanding on my situation. She guided me through the whole process and made me feel very comforting, their service and timely manners was what have driven me to select them from 3 other companies. Wonderful work, Quick and Easy step by step process, Quick Schedule. Would definitely recommend to anyone looking for top quality work and outstanding service.

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