Marin Laborers, Inc. en Plainview

Estados UnidosMarin Laborers, Inc.


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998, Old Country Road, 11803, Plainview, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 516-776-9239
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.7757258, Longitude: -73.474117

comentarios 3

  • en

    Victor Bell


    I'm employed by Marin Laborers. They saw my hard work and dedication and now I'm a foreman.

  • tyrone lawrence

    tyrone lawrence


    Went through the same with this company.... Didn't even get my pay correct for the first week..... BIG SCAM!!!!!

  • en

    Wendell Dublin


    I should of knew from the time they hired me they would have problems. Fast foward almost a month and a half they called and said they have a job site, I said yes jumping at the chance to make more money. Went to training for lead clean up even though that is not what we talked about. From day one we couldn't work, because we didn't have face mask and I noticed alot of my coworkers where unqualified. After that hiccup everything went well. The Friday they informed me that they wanted us to work 10 HR shifts. That ment for me I had to give up my previous job. The following week we walked all day with a few bad eggs on the job site. At the end of the work day they sent us a email stating that we have to come off the site due to contamination and he's going to let us know when it's safe to come back. Fast forward two weeks, I'm out of a two jobs and they still haven't called me to places on a new site. The wrose employers I've ever known. To top it all off I have a family depending on me. Run away of they ever call you.

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