Outer Limits Tattoo & Museum i Long Beach

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Forenede StaterOuter Limits Tattoo & Museum



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22, South Chestnut Place, 90802, Long Beach, Los Angeles County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 562-437-9121
internet side: www.outerlimitstattoo.com
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Latitude: 33.766741, Longitude: -118.196183

kommentar 5

  • en



    Had two great experiences with my artist Laura customer service has always been top notch.

  • Dimitri Lebsock

    Dimitri Lebsock


    Super nice. Very helpful. Looking into my first tattoo done everyone was very nice, answered all my questions and helped me out. Place is an awesome bit of history. Go check it out, you won’t be disappointed.

  • Michelle Egger

    Michelle Egger


    I love this place. It's pricey but the work is amazing and I've gotten all of my tattoos from outer limits.

  • en

    Daniel Reyes


    Went in on Nov 8, 2017 to get my very first tattoo, had an idea what I wanted and how it was going to be done, The tattoo had to be done in 2 sessions which I didn't mind. I'm very pleased with how my tattoo was done, it came out really good. I want to thank Tasi who was the artist who tattooed me that day, very friendly patient and really professional specially since she had to do a lot of circles on my back fore-arm including the shading part as well lolz. I definitely plan on coming back for my second tattoo, did a lot searching for a good parlor and this was the best place with highly qualified experienced artist. I definitely recommend Outer limits and would suggest anyone wanting to get their tattoos done or first timers like myself to come here, you won't regret it.

  • David S.

    David S.


    Best tattoo shop in Long Beach in my opinion with the most talented artists. Every artist there is extremely talented beyond belief. I've gotten other tattoos in Long beach and I regret not coming here first. If you want a great Tattoo, you go to Outer Limits.

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