Long Beach Firefighter's Museum i Long Beach

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Forenede StaterLong Beach Firefighter's Museum



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1445, North Peterson Avenue, 90813, Long Beach, Los Angeles County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 562-599-3985
internet side: www.lbfdmuseum.org
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 33.7855518, Longitude: -118.1733562

kommentar 5

  • en

    Fireboat Duwamish


    Friendly staff lots of interesting firefighting equipment and an amazing badge collection

  • angie santellan

    angie santellan


    Small Museum but lovely staff. Please park inside of the Museum's parking lot. do not park in the residential neighborhood.

  • Nemanja Klisara

    Nemanja Klisara


    Great place for kids.

  • Winnie S

    Winnie S


    I don't have a thing for firefighters or firefighting equipment but I have a friend who does, so I end up visiting these kinds of museums across the country whenever we travel together. This museum is probably the second smallest with the least amount of stuff compared to the museums in Hollywood, San Francisco and Boston (smallest). As expected, there are old engines, facts and artifacts, technology and equipment, photographs and old films, and personal effects and knick-knacks. Similar to other fire and firefighter museums, this one is run by volunteer firefighters and have limited hours. You can probably see everything under half hour if you are thorough and if a firefighter decides to give you a quick tour. If you are in the area, this is an interesting and uncommon thing to check out but I probably wouldn't recommend making it the only thing you do while in Long Beach. Street parking can be tough but if you don't mind walking a few blocks or visiting on Wednesdays instead of Saturdays, you will have better luck. If you want to check out just one firefighter museum in your lifetime, I highly recommend the one in Hollywood instead. It is the biggest one that I have gone to, with more to see, plus a second story upstairs for little ones to get their little hands on everything. The coolest thing here is probably the piece of wooden water pipe. Doesn't sound like much but go check it out. Also interesting is an old machine that prints out a code for the fire department which a firefighter back in the day would decipher to locate the firebox from which an emergency call came. Ask a volunteer to show you how that works. Free admissions, but donations accepted. Open only on Wednesdays and certain Saturdays. Check the website and call ahead. If the front is locked go to the side/driveway on the right. Overall, very nice staff and an interesting place to kill a little bit of time.

  • Anthony Gandara

    Anthony Gandara


    Great experience

nærmeste Museum

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