Oriental Oasis Nails and Spa i Washington

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterOriental Oasis Nails and Spa



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1090, Vermont Avenue Northwest, 20005, Washington, US USA
kontakter telefon: +1 202-312-5533
internet side: www.orientaloasisdayspa.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 38.903567, Longitude: -77.033329

kommentar 5

  • Cathleen DeLoach

    Cathleen DeLoach


    I LOVE this salon! Yes, some nail techs are better than others, but it is a very nice and CLEAN environment (much cleaner than the lower priced nail salons). The prices are very reasonable for the location, quality of service and variety of services (long list of varying nail services, types of polishes, gels and dips and quite a selection of relaxing pedicures) available. The entire atmosphere is professional and relaxing. No, they may not create some of the over-the-top nail art work you see on reality TV stars, but they can set you up for the office.

  • Lora Mitchell

    Lora Mitchell


    Went on my lunch break and had a VERY relaxing, professional and pleasant experience. These ladies are extremely friendly and get the job done. I've tried a new form of acrylic here and it's lasted long than the normal form of acrylic. I would recommend this salon to anyone !!

  • Myly Nguyen

    Myly Nguyen


    I don’t feel complete without having my hands presentable. With that being said I’ve tried many places and the quality of awrbice here is the BEST. Take some time off and enjoy getting pampered (a back rub during the manicure will change your life)

  • en

    P. T. Brown


    Oriental Oasis Nails and Spa has lost my business. As a long-time client, I have noticed that the co-owners, Nancy and Juan, have overcharged me for services that are actually $15 - $30 less. When I have inquired about service prices increasing, Juan said, "Not that I know of." As the co-owner, how could you not know whether or not your business has increased prices for various services offered? I also observed that Juan looked away during my inquiry and avoided direct facial-eye contact with me. As a licensed psychologist, that is a clear sign of someone who is being dishonest. Furthermore, Nancy complained to me about not receiving a tip after my last appointment in December, which was very inappropriate. Not only was that unprofessional, but, I would not provide a tip when overcharged $30! I am VERY disappointed with the aforementioned behavior and unethical practice of Nancy and Juan. I wonder if they overcharge all clients, or only certain clients? Oriental Oasis Nails and Spa already lost most of my business, as a result of being overcharged repeatedly in the past. After my recent appointment there and STILL being deliberately overcharged by the co-owners, I will patronize another nails and spa business, per the recommendation of other former clients.

  • en

    Laura Campbell


    Great salon and service! A little bit on the pricey side though. Lately, I observe that they tend to forget offering the complimentary drink... Recommended

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