Stany ZjednoczoneNASHVILLE INK



🕗 godziny otwarcia

312, Church Street, 37201, Nashville, Davidson County, US Stany Zjednoczone
kontakt telefon: +1 615-454-6112
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 36.1641054, Longitude: -86.7783111

komentarze 5

  • en

    Janna Burns


    I love this place! I got an amazing tattoo at a ridiculously good price! Not only that but the atmosphere is great, the people are awesome, and my tattoo even healed better than I'd expected (It wasn't even red for very long). Very much looking forward to finishing my geeky sleeve and I refuse to go anywhere else!

  • en

    Tracy Payne


    Austin was awesome. Getting my tattoo on my ribcage was not painful at all. He was quick and did a great job. The only negative thing I have to say is that I wanted a dermal piercing and was not able to get one because they did not have their equipment sterilized and ready to use after the last use :(

  • Kelli Campbell

    Kelli Campbell


    Rose did a great job! We walked in off the street and he did our tattoos so beautiful and helped with our ideas. It was very clean inside and professional. Great price and if I was ever back in Nashville I'd probably go back for another one!

  • Randy Vinci

    Randy Vinci


    Came in from out of town so I didn’t have a chance for an in person consultation. Had a few chats with Rob over the phone ahead of time and when I got there, he had drawn exactly what I was picturing. The place is super clean, the pricing is some of the most competitive I came across and the staff was all extremely friendly. Couldn’t be more happy with how the tattoo came out and couldn’t have asked for a better experience! Would highly recommend this shop to anybody looking for a small walk-in piece (there were quite a few while I was getting my piece done) or for a more detailed session.

  • en

    Leah Stammann


    Two of my best friends and myself were in Nashville and we were wanting tattoos. After looking around at places we called them. They accepted walk-ins which was awesome. When we called, they were able to take us right away. Once we arrived we stated the size of our tattoos and soon filled out our paperwork. We all had the same artist and he did an amazing job! The guns were so quiet in the shop which was different from a regular tattoo shop. Everyone was friendly there. The shop was clean as well. I'd definitely recommend this place!

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