The Peanut Shop w Nashville

Stany ZjednoczoneThe Peanut Shop



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19, Arcade Alley, 37219, Nashville, Davidson County, US Estados Unidos
kontakt telefon: +1 615-256-3394
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 36.1643153, Longitude: -86.7801527

komentarze 5

  • en

    Derek Scott


    Stop in and have a shake everyday. Love them.

  • en

    Randal Walker


    Given the name and reviews I was expecting a big roaster with burlap bags of peanuts and peanut related goodies. Not so. There were peanuts, yes, but more non-peanut options than peanuts and nothing particularly inspiring. Staff were nice and offered samples but we ended up not eating most of the praline peanuts we bought.

  • Ren Jax

    Ren Jax


    From the moment I stepped in the shop, my mouth began to water a bit at the snacks on display. Despite the lunch time rush for their soft serve, the owner and her assistant were very attentive yet respectful of my need to take it all in and come to a decision. I had some.fresh Spanish peanuts mixed with jelly bellies , and also dark chocolate almonds. It was the tastiest trip into history I could ever imagine.

  • Tony Vastano

    Tony Vastano


    Always have gotten the chocolate espresso beans, they're great every time.

  • Shandra Lewis

    Shandra Lewis


    I work downtown and usually walk over on my break to get fresh popcorn, but today, the popcorn was stale, and at $3.00 for the large bag, that's not okay. I will tell them the next time I go there and hopefully it won't happen in the future. I love popcorn and stale popcorn doesn't cut it for me.

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