Mr Cleaners in New York

Vereinigte StaatenMr Cleaners


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465, Bay Street, 10304, Richmond County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakte telefon: +1 718-720-9595
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Latitude: 40.63073, Longitude: -74.076203

kommentare 2

  • David Turtlebert

    David Turtlebert


    Saw the other review but this was close by to my other errands. When I asked how much it would be to clean the white mildew from a black trench coat she said $16.00, I said that would be fine and was given a printed receipt with the amount. I wasn't sure how the coat would turn out, being saturated with white mold, but when I came back for it it looked brand new. The amount due was, naturally, just the same as the amount on the receipt. I thanked Ms. Jung and left a modest tip to which she replied, "If you're happy, I'm happy." I have some other items that need to be cleaned and will definitely go back. They are very friendly and do excellent work for a modest price.

  • en

    Ray Pascarella


    I called these folks and inquired "How much to clean and press a dress shirt?" "$1.45" was the reply. But when I picked up 4 shirts they hit me with an $18.00 bill! I attempted to argue, but what could I do? My shirts weren't even clean. I brought them home and got the stains out in the sink. A week later I had a flood from above my closet, so all my clothes need to be dry cleaned.....somewhere else!

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