Happy Cleaners in New York

Vereinigte StaatenHappy Cleaners


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465, Bay Street, 10304, Richmond County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakte telefon: +1 718-720-9595
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 40.6307625, Longitude: -74.0764702

kommentare 4

  • en

    mike d


  • Julian S

    Julian S


    Several shirts came back dirty. Several shirts came back stained with machine oil. When I brought this to the owner's attention and asked him to redo the shirts at no change, he said that he didn't want my business and rudely told me to leave.

  • en

    Chadd Spruell


  • Erik Pinsonnault

    Erik Pinsonnault


    I may have an unnecessary distrust of dry cleaners as a generally matter or a profound misunderstanding of what is expected of them. But, although this Cleaner is delightfully happy, he recently did not succeed (in spite of what may have been his best efforts-?) to clean the blazer I brought in. Then, when I asked for my money back, he declined. Instead, he kindly gave me a spirited explanation that it was indeed clean but the fabric had been discolored by the stain, thus there was nothing he could do. I am at least a little dubious and it was a disappointing and distressing experience.

nächste Wäsche

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