MP Care i Paramus

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterMP Care



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230, E Ridgewood Ave, 07652, Paramus, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 844-488-1234
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.9566201, Longitude: -74.0628798

kommentar 5

  • en

    Vicious Vixen


  • Michelle Manzo

    Michelle Manzo


    I work at a facility that uses this company frequently. They have an excellent dispatcher -- Jenn, she is very helpful and accommodating. Many of the drivers are friendly and genuinely care about being prompt and safely transporting our patients. Administration is very accessible and great at problem-solving, they also ride on the rigs themselves so they really know all angles of the work they're doing. Thanks guys!

  • en

    Kelly Willis


    Have used this company more than once and have been made to feel very comfortable and safe. The crews I have been with have been kind, courteous, and professional. I have had many bad experiences with other companies going down our stairs and this company has gotten me up and down the stairs without setting off anxiety attacks. They have been on time and always get me were I need to be on time.This is the company I will be requesting from now on for all my trips!!!

  • tenspeed234



    Have had several scheduled pickups with this company from my mother's nursing home. Several times they were over an hour late with no valid excuses, and have made my mother late to her appointments several times. On this last pickup, the Ambulance driver told me it was "his last day" with the company. After asking why, he went on to tell me every Ambulance they have aren't up to code and are illegal to drive (hooks for the wheelchair on the floor are broken, don't use proper wheelchair to transport clients from point a to point b). These are the people you want driving your loved ones around right? Incredibly unprofessional and management seems to be a bunch of clowns since none of these issues get resolved EVER Stay away if you don't hate the person you are sending

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    Yasmin Gomez


    I wouldn't recommend this company if they paid me. They're inconsiderate to client's needs especially if they have children! Gerri claims to be the supervisor and won't allow anyone to speak to THE REAL BOSS. Her exact words to me were "my job is to get you from point a to point b in the most efficient way to my company not to worry about your children" if you don't know how to have empathy for the client's then maybe you're in the wrong field.

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