Midas en Irvington

Estados UnidosMidas



🕗 horarios

1166, Springfield Avenue, 07111, Irvington, Essex County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 973-536-2135
sitio web: www.midas.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.725428, Longitude: -74.2373116

comentarios 5

  • en

    Abiodun Lawal


    Last time and never again @Midas. Parts were extremly on d high side..went to change a broken belt, i was charged for unnecessary thing. More than $1k to change belt, pulleys and servicing. Never again. Wish Midas customers goodluck.

  • Dee Zine

    Dee Zine


    Friendly and curious staff, but prices are much higher than many other places probably because they are the only mechanical chain around the area.

  • Johari Perez

    Johari Perez


    Had to take car back two days later after a new tire change because something was wrong with the pin, and my oil light came on right after they changed my oil. Three stars because the managers were accommodating and kind.

  • Ruben Junior

    Ruben Junior


    This place is unacceptable. I came here only needing one thing fix and they try to charge for things that was never a problem. Now my car is in worst shape then when I brought it in. I would never come here again.

  • Manuil Tonev

    Manuil Tonev


    Excellent customer service. These guys will do what's right. They helped me out when I was in a bind, plus I was far from home and it was almost closing time.

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