AutoZone en Irvington

Estados UnidosAutoZone



🕗 horarios

1128-1140, Springfield Avenue, 07111, Irvington, Essex County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 973-375-0700
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.7260778, Longitude: -74.2357081

comentarios 5

  • Linda Rollino

    Linda Rollino


    Great customer service and cheaper products compared to Advanced Auto Zone

  • Dee Zine

    Dee Zine


    Staff very rude and spend more time gossiping among themselves and with customers they already know. As a new customer, I will not be returning!

  • en

    Marsha Ferdinand


    Terrible terrible terrible . Staff are on there personal cell phone on a call while serving customers. Women staff have very bad attitude. I will never go there again.

  • gul madenci

    gul madenci


    They are very helpful, just I bought low beam head light bolb last week from there, some how they gave me wrong one, my mechanic technician said. Then I went there second time they changed then they gave me wrong one again. My mechanic technician had it thank God, he fixed. Finally when I have time I will be there to give back this wrong head light bolb.

  • Mimi Sullivan

    Mimi Sullivan


    My daughter needed to order a starter last Sunday so we decided to go to AutoZone on Springfield Ave. There are several locations, but we choose this I one because it was closer. I went on the website to check their hours for Sunday Morning which was 8am. Which was perfect because I had to be at work by 9a. When we arrived at 7:55am several cars were waiting in the lot. 8:05a we tried to enter but no one was there. It was extremely cold too. One of the people waiting outside was an employee! He had been there waiting when we arrived. Needless to say the Manager finally arrived by 820a. Once we all got inside the employee who had been waiting outside took care of our needs and we were on our way. They also give a 10% discount to Veterans. My daughter was happy about that!

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