Michael Russ PC w Nutley

Stany ZjednoczoneMichael Russ PC



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111, Centre Street, 07110, Nutley, Essex County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 973-662-0889
strona internetowej: www.michaelrussdmd.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8109346, Longitude: -74.1511388

komentarze 5

  • en

    Michael Angelo


    I don't have a permanent dentist so I asked around and was recommended to Michael Russ by a close friend well from now on I will only be choosing Michael Russ as my dentist his staff are incredible they took care of my problem right away Michael even came in to check out my X-rays gave me some advice and treated me very well I can say if your looking for a reliable friendly great priced dentist (I don't have dental insurance) call Michael Russ ! I would give another 5 stars if I could!

  • en

    Mital Vyas


    As a dentist to visit for regular check ups and cleanings, Dr. Russ is fine and does a good job. However, NEVER get a root canal done by him! I had 2 root canals done and my husband also had 1 done. A few years later, we found out that the root canals FOR BOTH OF US we're not done right. The teeth still had infections left inside and now, we have to pay out of pocket (because of our current insurance) to have these root canals redone! After my initial root canal, I still felt pain a year later, which I am now told should not happen, but at the time Dr. Russ simply informed me that it's normal. Do not go to this office for root canals!!

  • Raja Sonnylal

    Raja Sonnylal


    Been to many dentist offices over the past years, Dr Russ's practice is s step above. Awesome staff and great care. Very kid friendly as well.

  • FMata Frm

    FMata Frm


    There are no words to accurately describe how friendly and professional the staff are. I've had many procedures done and every time I leave completely satisfied.

  • en

    Daria O


    Saw me for emergency root canal Dr Russ saved my tooth with a difficult root canal explained procedure to me and showed me xrays of other teeth that need work very emformative attentive and pain free the staff there is extremely polite and careing i was taken in immediately upon arrival since i was in pain after a few bad dentists I have had I rate this office with 10 stars. To top it off Dr Russ txt me that evening to make sure I was pain free

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