RT Dental - Richard Tom D.M.D. w Nutley

Stany ZjednoczoneRT Dental - Richard Tom D.M.D.



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192, Chestnut Street, 07110, Nutley, Essex County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 973-667-2500
strona internetowej: www.rtdentalone.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.818638, Longitude: -74.156681

komentarze 5

  • en

    Steven Anastasi


    I was eating almonds this morning and cracked a tooth. Dr. Tom took me in immediately (same day) and fixed it LIKE NEW! Thank you Dr. Tom!

  • en

    Gary Sen


    When my dentist that I went to for over 25 years retired I did not know where to go for dental work. I'm glad I found an excellent replacement. Dr. Tom and his entire staff are outstanding. In fact, his staff is from the previous Dentist that retired. This worked out great for me! I have been a patient for several years and always had the best dental work. My mouth is very sensitive and Dr. Tom is always gentle and very compassionate giving me the best care. He is an expert on all phases of dental work; I had simple fillings to a new crown. In any event, it is always a pleasure to go to his office. He has the best staff working with him as a team. Also, I would highly refer him to family and friends.

  • en

    Danielle Ambrosino


    I am very afraid of the dentist. I had a terrible toothache and had a change to my insurance. I googled dentists near me and read the great reviews on Dr. Tom. I called this morning and I explained my situation and had an appt for this afternoon. Upon arrival the staff was so friendly and meeting Dr Tom he was so nice and comforting and assured me he can help me. Well he did and I am so happy to be out of pain but to now have a dentist. 😊

  • en

    palma wasilenko


    Dr. Tom is the best dentist I have ever been to. He is so compassionate, dedicated, and listens to all of my concerns that I may have. Also, I would refer him to family and friends and now I love going to the dentist. He has taken my fears away. He is truly a Godsend in my life.

  • Michael Voza

    Michael Voza


    When I heard that my dentist of nearly thirty years was going to retire, I was going to retire from going to the dentist as well. I really could not believe that the greatest dentist known to so many could be replaced. My family all had similar thoughts as well. I decided to give Dr, Tom a chance to prove me wrong. Well I got to tell ya, I was wrong, I might add that I do not admit to being wrong often, but Dr. Tom certainly proved me wrong. I was the first in our family to see Dr. Tom and he is wonderful. A truly gifted dentist with a soft caring touch. Now the whole family has scheduled an appointment. You should as well!

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