Men's Wearhouse i Washington

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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1024, Connecticut Avenue Northwest, 20036, Washington, US Estados Unidos
kontakter telefon: +1 202-463-3015
internet side:
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Latitude: 38.9033469, Longitude: -77.0401588

kommentar 5

  • en

    Jessica Nguyen


    Todd Fikes is hands down the BEST Men's Wearhouse employee I have ever met! I was accompanying my friend who is starting a new job in January and needed brand new suits, shirts, and ties with zero knowledge of suit coordination and etiquette. Todd worked with us for hours, making sure my friend understood what fits best, how to coordinate colors, suit care, etc. He even stayed after closing to make sure my friend felt comfortable with his purchase and expedited the altercations to be ready when he comes back from traveling. My friend loves his new suits, dress shirts, and ties plus he ended up paying only half of the retail price! With the added stress of shopping during the holiday season and having everything ready before the new job starts, we have to say that Todd Fikes was definitely Heaven-sent. Thank you Todd for all of your help and exceptional customer service! We will definitely be recommending this place to our friends!

  • en

    David Rijos


    The staff are great! They are so willing and eager to help and very empathetic. However! Whoever the heck manages that store is god awful. He's pushy and ridiculously disorganized. My suit and another jacket that had been given to them for alterations were not ready when they said they would be and were nowhere to be found. I spent 45 minutes sitting there for their staff to check while thier manager wasnt even there. He wasn't even apologetic. I will never go back here.

  • Sinan Hatik

    Sinan Hatik


    This place does not even deserve a single star. Horrible experience! I need a tuxedo for my wedding. First day I went there, the staff was rushing everywhere, although they seem helpful once you get them, we had to wait for the end of day to get their full attention. At the end of the day, they suggested Vera Wang tux, I liked it. They clearly stated that they had a package deal in which if you buy the tux they provide the shoes, bow tie, shirt for FREE! This was of course a very good deal. I asked clear questions whether I could chose any shoes they had (said yes), any shirt (said yes). AND the tailoring would be free for life. This sounds crazy good for a Vera Wang suit. I wanted to make sure there was no problem in communications and got confirmation from two guys working at the store. I have chosen the whole package asked them to put on hold, but when I went back to buy, those two gentlemen were not there. Another gentlemen tried helping us while in shock of hearing what we got offered 3 days ago. They told me none of the FREE stuff were actually free, they can provide discounts as they do to all other customers, 30% off for this 20 for that, and tailoring is not for free. We talked to a 'store manager' whose only job was to deny in an unkind manner what we were offered without any offer for apologies for their mistake. such a disappointment!!

  • Patrick McWeeny

    Patrick McWeeny


    Extremely helpful service and in-store staff. So helpful that I actually bothered to write a review.

  • en

    John Finn


    Darnell saved my bacon this afternoon. I forgot my sportcoat at home for my trip to Washington. I know, dumb. He got me set up with a coat in my size, I'm a big guy. And he matched a shirt and pair of pants for the price of the coat. When he started to pull out pants and a shirt, I thought I was getting snowed. But it was a really good deal for me. Meeting tomorrow will be cool. And I like the coat.

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