Victoria's Secret & PINK i Washington

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterVictoria's Secret & PINK



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1050, Connecticut Avenue Northwest, 20036, Washington, US USA
kontakter telefon: +1 202-293-7530
internet side:
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Latitude: 38.9032847, Longitude: -77.0402776

kommentar 5

  • Vishal Sinha

    Vishal Sinha


    This location of Victoria's Secret leaves me with mixed feelings. First, its hard for a man to have a wonderful shopping experience buying (mostly) intimates for the spouse. For me, a good shopping assistant who can help me out at the store would be welcome and help make the shopping experience better. I am generally able to find someone to assist me, but the quality of help can be a hit or a miss, with "meh" being the general experience. Also, there are often times the size or product is not available in the store and that ends up me having to go to another store or order the items online. What's the point of having a store in downtown and not having basic items in stock? I expect more from a upscale brand like Victoria's Secret!

  • Anthony Brown Sr.

    Anthony Brown Sr.


    It's a kool place to send the wife alone

  • en

    Louela Ndjoubi


    came to that store today and employees were inside but the door closed to access. they said the store was closed;however it is only 4:16pm. is that normal??

  • Lindsay Ryan

    Lindsay Ryan


    This store is a mess. Very unattentative, rude to foreign shoppers, small & unorganized inventory. Will go out of my way to never come back here again

  • Caitlin Adkins

    Caitlin Adkins


    I went in to do an exchange and return. There were two associates at the registers but asked another associate to help me in stead. I was very nice and asked her to do both my transactions. She asked for my ID and I placed it on the counter. After which she said she could not pick it up and demanded I place t in her hand when it was right in front of her. She complained to another associate about my attitude when I'd been nothing but nice. She then forgot about my exchanged items and snapped her hand in my face when I asked if she had them. I will choose to go to another location next time

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