MB Automotive en Bay Shore

Estados UnidosMB Automotive



🕗 horarios

1460, North Clinton Avenue, 11706, Bay Shore, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 631-328-5985
sitio web: www.mbautomotive1.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.744675, Longitude: -73.266368

comentarios 5

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    Bobby Smith


    Honest reliable service. Customer service is what they give..any issue you mey have bring it to MB automotive let Mike help you. Best. Mechanic in Bay Shore

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    Carol Hazeldine


    Mike has great customer service. Extremely honest. Shows you the situation with your car and gives a fair price. I won't be using any one else. Reliable and does what he says he will. He is highly recommended by me

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    631 Moving & Delivery


    we do moving in the summer plowing in the winter so we have a lot of vehicles and equipment I first brought my personal car there which is a BMW and mike and his team did a great job on it at a fraction of what the dealer would've charged me. I then started bringing my diesel trucks , trailers , snow blowers and small engine equipment there and he's always got the job done . hes went way past the call of duty for me many times I highly recommend this shop to anyone with any type of vehicle not just volvos !!!!

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    Lizz Lindo


    The best automotive repair experience I have had since owning my Volvo S60. Mike is an expert, and knows about Volvos. His prices are reasonable and he does not push unnecessary repairs to pad your bill. As long as I own this car I will never take it elsewhere. I was constantly being overcharged by the dealers because I was afraid that some mechanics did not have the expertise. Thank you Mike for doing a great job.

  • George H

    George H


    I have owned a brick since 1972, I have dealt with sales & service at almost every Volvo dealer on LI but, I haven't purchased any of the past 8 or 9 on LI. NONE deserve the business. I currently own 3. I have been having my service/repairs done at MB for about 5 years. Mike and his staff are top-shelf. They accommodate your every need according to your schedule, not theirs. They don't PUSH unnecessary service. Now, get ready...they do great work at a fair price! Do yourself a favor if you own a brick, give them a try. Sorry it took so long to post this review...I'm lazy and don't often give positive reviews...

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