Auto Muffler Center Inc en Bay Shore

Estados UnidosAuto Muffler Center Inc



🕗 horarios

1640, 5th Avenue, 11706, Bay Shore, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 631-300-4440
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.759414, Longitude: -73.262342

comentarios 5

  • en

    Jim Doy


    Robbed only takes cash no receipt won’t honor work look out bad news thieves

  • Jose Aviles

    Jose Aviles


    Fast and professional, I come here for all my exhaust needs, out of the 4 cars in the last two years I've brought them all here and have never had one problem, best pricing around and they get you in and out!

  • Raymond Mercedes

    Raymond Mercedes


    Took my 2004 Honda Accord here to get new cat put in, CEL went away for less about a day and came back. I took it to the local pep boy shop they told me the cat was no good and the job was terrible. Took it back they made pretend they put a new cat in and told me if it didn’t work I’d have to go to the dealership. Took the car to two other spots and was told the same thing. I would never go back here again!

  • Jonathan Coello

    Jonathan Coello


    The service was fast and very affordable. They repaired my muffler which was leaking, and changed the 3 belts on my 1997 Toyota corolla. Very satisfied with the work and the price. Would recommend!

  • Jahleel Page

    Jahleel Page


    Great shop. I have been here Twix for different vehicles. The job is always great and fast. The price is reasonable. Can't complain.

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