Manning Bros. Carpet & Flooring w Bogota

Stany ZjednoczoneManning Bros. Carpet & Flooring



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East Fort Lee Road, 07603, Bogota, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-621-0042
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 40.87613, Longitude: -74.028755

komentarze 3

  • en

    Jeff Wasserman


    Our company - Prime Time Early Learning Centers in Edgewater NJ - hired Manning Brothers to replace a vinyl tile floor in a commercial kitchen space. They did a very good job with the replacement, were very professional and polite on the phone, and their price compared favorably against the other company we called to estimate the job for us.

  • en

    Justin Sileo


    I used to bring my carpets to Manning Brothers as I thought they did a good job...up until my last cleaning service. We brought in an expensive area rug which was returned to us worse than it had arrived. Brown and yellow spots throughout on a light blue and white rug. We promptly returned the rug to be resurfaced (with tag and all). As they looked at the rug, they immediately knew they made a mistake: as a viscose rug, they admitted “we should never have accepted this in the first place.” The offered to give it another try but the damage was done. The rug came back with the same spotting throughout and has now been rendered useless. When we picked up the rug for the second time and opened it up in the shop, no effort was made to rectify this gross negligence on their side. They stripped off the tag on the back of the rug during the second cleaning (which you can also tell by the fact that there is a nice and clean square spot where it once sat on the backside of the rug) and tried to recant on their story that, now, there was NO way of knowing it was viscose until they cleaned it. If that’s actually the case, clean a small portion in the corner to verify before risking ruining a perfectly fine carpet! Needless to say, the sheer carelessness, shady practices to try and cover their butts, and complete lack of willingness to make us whole (don’t you even have insurance for these instances?) leaves me looking for a new carpet cleaner in the area. Buyers beware.

  • en

    Barbara Buff


    I am honored to be the first to write about the quality of work from the Manning Brothers carpet cleaners. I have used them many times thru the years and they do a awesome job. We have had several oriental rugs cleaned and each time they come back like brand new. You will not be disappointed if you choose Manning Brothers to clean your rugs. They deserve all 5 stars!

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