Buy & Save 2 Furniture w Hackensack

Stany ZjednoczoneBuy & Save 2 Furniture



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153 - 155 Main Street, Hackensack, NJ 07601, США
kontakt telefon: +1 201-685-4015
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.883177, Longitude: -74.043187

komentarze 5

  • Vineela Uu

    Vineela Uu


    They have products from all the amazing vendors and they give a very competitive price. I furnished my new home entirely from their place. Loved all of their products and the customer service! Would definitely recommend to a friend.

  • en

    Marietta G


    I had an excellent experience buying furniture at Buy & Save Furniture 2. Tony was very helpful/polite. The delivery people were great. Everyone was very knowledgable. My experience here was outstanding couldn't be better. The mirror pieces from Elegant Furniture &Lighting look amazing, Thank you!!

  • en

    Jonathan Gomez


    I had a really good experience with the services provided through the journey of furnishing an apartment! I've purchased various pieces over the past two years from this location and will continue to reference them. Great job in meeting our expectations!

  • en

    Vitto Mena


    They have amazing products that I thought a mom and pop store wouldn't normally have... The owner is super nice and very friendly and always willing to work with you on your furniture needs! I was able to save a lot of money with them as opposed to shopping at your popular chain stores! If you have the chance come get your furniture from this place you won't be disappointed!!! Can't wait to see what I will buy next from them : )

  • en

    Vanessa DeLeon


    Great experience at this place. They have a great selection and many catalogs to choose from. Extremely professional and the prices are fair. The level of customer service is impeccable. I️ furnished my entire home and the quality of the furniture is equal if not better than raymore and Flanagan

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