M I Performance w West Babylon

Stany ZjednoczoneM I Performance



🕗 godziny otwarcia

162, Cabot Street, 11704, West Babylon, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-777-7584
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7325429, Longitude: -73.3930791

komentarze 5

  • en

    Bobby Rollo


  • en

    Abi Taylor


    Lovely lads who work there who know there stuff and know what there doing! Great customer service from both workshop and reception! Reasonably priced to! If I ever needed work doing to my car I would definitely come to these guys without a doubt! The whole way home I had a big smile on my face because of the amazing work they had done on my car and did it exactly how i wanted it!.

  • en

    Dennis Andreano


    Several years ago my mustang had bent axle tubes. They took the rear off and straightened the tubes. They said they put all new seals in, but all the gear oil leaked out and the rear was destroyed. I took it someplace else and replaced the entire rear.

  • Santo Moscova

    Santo Moscova


    Local and professional.

  • en

    Пользователь Google


    Excellent custom piping work. Mike and his workers do excellent custom exhaust fabricaton and their work comes out MINT. I had them create and weld two custom tailpipes from my muffler, each with a mandrel bend, full stainless, and titanium exhaust tips. They came out great, the only problem was the price. The price of the parts wasn';t bad, it was the labour hours that killed it. The main reason was because they have too small a shop for the amount of work they have. All of the lifts were taken up by half-finished projects while the only other one had a current project on it. My work was done on jack stands. If they would have had a free lift, I'm sure it would have been faster and thus the labour hours wouldnt have killed it. They also charged me the hour they had to wait for the mandrel bends to be delivered. For any other full-custom projects like exhaust or turbo piping, I would definately go to them. for smaller jobs, I would not mainly because of their pricing. I would go to them again, but remember you get what you pay for. high price for high quality!

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